function data() local assets = { -- Because your empire of buildings clearly needs variety... or at least different shades of grey. "building/era_c/res_4_2x2_01.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_2x3_01.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_2x3_02.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_2x3_03.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_3x3_01.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_3x3_02.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_3x3_03.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_3x4_01.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_3x4_02.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_3x4_03.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_4x4_01.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_4x4_02.mdl", "building/era_c/res_4_4x4_03.mdl" } return { type = "ASSET_DEFAULT", description = { name = _("Weirdcard Asset"), description = _("Experience the highs and lows of Weirdcard financial wizardry."), }, availability = {}, buildMode = "MULTI", categories = { "misc" }, order = 1, skipCollision = true, autoRemovable = true, params = { { key = "weirdcard_mio", name = _("Investment / Dividend:"), uiType = "SLIDER", values = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" }, defaultIndex = 0, tooltip = _("Select how many millions you want to magically appear or vanish in true Weirdcard fashion.") }, { key = "weirdcard_faktor", name = _("Investment method:"), uiType = "COMBOBOX", values = { _("Cautious +1"), _("Adventurous +10"), _("Speculative +100"), _("Oligarch +1000") }, defaultIndex = 0, tooltip = _("Choose your risk level. The higher the factor, the greater the reward or loss!") }, { key = "weirdcard_p_m", name = _("Burn Money and Documents"), uiType = "CHECKBOX", values = { "Loss", "Profit" }, defaultIndex = 0, tooltip = _("Check 'Loss' to watch your assets go up in flames, just like those pesky auditing reports.") }, { key = "weirdcard_intpol", name = _("Wanted by Interpol"), uiType = "CHECKBOX", values = { "Yes", "No" }, defaultIndex = 0, tooltip = _("Tick 'Yes' if you'd like to live life on the edge and become the star in an international manhunt!") }, { key = "weirdcard_eventFrequency", name = _("Event Frequency"), uiType = "COMBOBOX", values = { "Rare", "Uncommon", "Common", "Frequent" }, defaultIndex = 1, tooltip = _("Adjust how often random money events occur.") }, { key = "weirdcard_dailyIncome", name = _("Daily Income"), uiType = "COMBOBOX", values = { _("0"), _("1K"), _("10K"), _("100K") }, defaultIndex = 0, tooltip = _("Set a daily money bonus for continuous growth.") }, }, updateFn = function(params) local result = {} -- Randomly pick a building model because choosing one is too much commitment. local modelIndex = math.random(1, #assets) result.models = { { id = assets[modelIndex], transf = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 } } } -- Terrain adjustment logic, because no one likes jagged, unruly landscapes. result.terrainAlignmentLists = { { type = "EQUAL", faces = {} } } -- Calculate the cost, because crashing economies is what we do best. local p_m = -1 if params.weirdcard_p_m == 1 then p_m = 1 end local faktor = { 1, 10, 100, 1000 } result.cost = (params.weirdcard_mio + 1) * faktor[params.weirdcard_faktor + 1] * 1000000 * p_m result.bulldozeCost = 0 result.maintenanceCost = 0 -- Add daily income to keep the virtual economy spinning, or collapsing... local dailyIncomeValues = {0, 1000, 10000, 100000} local dailyIncome = dailyIncomeValues[params.weirdcard_dailyIncome + 1] -- Simulate daily income adjustment, because stability is so last season. if dailyIncome > 0 then result.cost = result.cost - dailyIncome end return result end } end