import { Translation } from "./definition" export default { propertyDefaults: { title: "Untitled", description: "No description provided", }, components: { callout: { note: "Note", abstract: "Abstract", info: "Info", todo: "Todo", tip: "Tip", success: "Success", question: "Question", warning: "Warning", failure: "Failure", danger: "Danger", bug: "Bug", example: "Example", quote: "Quote", }, backlinks: { title: "Backlinks", noBacklinksFound: "No backlinks found", }, themeToggle: { lightMode: "Light mode", darkMode: "Dark mode", }, explorer: { title: "Explorer", }, footer: { createdWith: "Created with", }, graph: { title: "Graph View", }, recentNotes: { title: "Recent Notes", seeRemainingMore: ({ remaining }) => `See ${remaining} more →`, }, transcludes: { transcludeOf: ({ targetSlug }) => `Transclude of ${targetSlug}`, linkToOriginal: "Link to original", }, search: { title: "Search", searchBarPlaceholder: "Search for something", }, tableOfContents: { title: "Table of Contents", }, }, pages: { rss: { recentNotes: "Recent notes", lastFewNotes: ({ count }) => `Last ${count} notes`, }, error: { title: "Not Found", notFound: "Either this page is private or doesn't exist.", }, folderContent: { folder: "Folder", itemsUnderFolder: ({ count }) => count === 1 ? "1 item under this folder" : `${count} items under this folder.`, }, tagContent: { tag: "Tag", tagIndex: "Tag Index", itemsUnderTag: ({ count }) => count === 1 ? "1 item with this tag" : `${count} items with this tag.`, showingFirst: ({ count }) => `Showing first ${count} tags.`, totalTags: ({ count }) => `Found ${count} total tags.`, }, }, } as const satisfies Translation