--- title: Setting up your GitHub repository --- First, make sure you have Quartz [[index#🪴 Get Started|cloned and setup locally]]. Then, create a new repository on GitHub.com. Do **not** initialize the new repository with `README`, license, or `gitignore` files. ![[github-init-repo-options.png]] At the top of your repository on GitHub.com's Quick Setup page, click the clipboard to copy the remote repository URL. ![[github-quick-setup.png]] In your terminal of choice, navigate to the root of your Quartz folder. Then, run the following command, replacing `REMOTE-URL` with the URL you just copied from the previous step. ```bash git remote add origin REMOTE-URL ``` To verify that you set the remote URL correctly, run the following command. ```bash git remote -v ``` Then, you can sync the content to upload it to your repository. ```bash npx quartz sync ```